Wouldn’t surprise me that Australia has some violent uprisings, someone has to stand up against these fascists.
Where to flee: the US states of Florida and Texas seems to be the most free.
at the moment there does not seem to be any place to flee to from covid mandates and restrictions.
we are stuck like the first century christians in jerusalem.
but jesus said when the disgusting thing would stand in the holy place, it was time to swiftly flee to the mountains.. will jehovah god open a path to security where we can be in safety?
Wouldn’t surprise me that Australia has some violent uprisings, someone has to stand up against these fascists.
Where to flee: the US states of Florida and Texas seems to be the most free.
china's economy is wobbling as one of its largest companies, evergrande, is teetering on bankruptcy.. there's a good chance it's collapse will have a knock-on effect on other markets.. so more to thank them for than just the covid virus.. no one should have any dealing with china..
China’s problems are entirely its own making.
They had massive inflation over the last 20-30 years, so people didn’t trust their own currency, as a result China started massive infrastructure projects, buying up massive debt from the US and EU and basically started issuing US/EU IOU’s as payment.
The market responded abroad by moving industry there, because, free infrastructure, people in China noticed and started buying real property instead of saving money because a house is always worth the new valuta if money in the bank is not worth anything.
But there are too many Chinese so the government, being in control of the economy, had to build more than the government could afford to build in places they had already built infrastructure for the too many companies they had attracted with too much free infrastructure, so many cities basically got into an infinite loop of companies building more stuff requiring more complex infrastructure in unsustainable locations.
This is only compounded by the facts of history like the one child policy that there aren’t sufficient people being born to continue the economy. There is also the facts they had to divert massive water and energy sources from interior in China to the coast cities (they built everything on the coast, because access to international shipping). This redirection is hugely damaging and the majority of Chinese cities are now facing water and energy shortages.
So now we are at a point in time where it is unlikely all those US and EU debt IOUs will be worth anything. But everyone in the infrastructure/real estate market has been paid with those IOUs.
The other thing people started investing in, especially in China was Bitcoin, because if government fiat money isn’t worth anything, a real money (like gold and Bitcoin) is. Hence the government crackdown over there, because they see more money being circulated in real money than their fiat money. It’s the same reason the US has made gold illegal from being used as a payment, because if nobody trusts the government money, they will be broke.
I don't necessarily agree with this verdict, placing the decisions in the hand of unelected bureaucrats is not what a court should do.
The privacy law enforcement is upside down of course, but I think you should have your right to have any 'official' records expunged from private entities.
hi all.. read this article re the gilgamesh clay tablet.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-21/us-returns-gilgamesh-tablet-to-iraq/100478858.
how does it impact the dating of the biblical flood?
it seems earlier.. i am going to do some research myself to make a comparison.. it's interesting as i have not previously heard of the tablet but have heard of the.
Flood myths have been around as long as humans have been around, there are cave paintings depicting waters drowning large amounts of animals and people, all the way back to pre-humans and you can find similar stories as well amongst Native Americans, Aboriginals in Australia and other groups across the world. Given the split between some of those groups happened well before the Bible started to be written (~500-1500BCE) it is likely flood myths had passed through folklore for millennia before ever being written down.
Floods were a part of life until the Romans and later monks started building infrastructure to protect humans, and we are still seeing it today. Imagine living in the area of what is now New Orleans and after a hurricane, your entire 'world' is underwater, as far as you can see and as far as anyone in your tribe ever traveled is submerged. How many people in your tribe would survive? Well, at least enough to reproduce and tell the story ~5-7 is sufficient.
u/aposta-fish from exjw reddit.
good news bad news pandemic and kingdom halls.. first the bad news, coming out of israel - one of the first countries to push total vaccination.
the news is the vaccine especially the pfizer one looks like it wears off and hospital rates have gone up for those that have been vaccinated.
@OnTheWayOut: The data from Israel suggest that the vaccines do not reduce the odds. Being in the hospital was considered a 'severe case of COVID' pre-vaccines and that was what the vaccines were supposed to prevent if not prevent the infection altogether (like any other regular vaccine would). If 50% of the people in the hospital have had the vaccines in a population where 80% are vaccinated (and for all intents and purposes, group immunity should've been reached) the odds of reducing aren't all that good.
The people in wheelchairs from polio were the "non-severe" polio cases. Do you think people would've found the vaccine to be successful if you had only a 50/50 chance of it preventing a "severe" case but only if you stayed home from work forever and lived in a bubble for the rest of your life and the disease continued putting people in wheelchairs and keeps infecting and killing those that work outside the home?
No, people would've said the vaccines do nothing at all at preventing polio, and moved on. We knew about germ theory well before vaccines, nobody suggested we should live forever in a bubble in order to never get sick.
what do you think of this?
does it make sense?
any examples either way?.
It's a real thing, people are sick of it. The movies aren't bouncing back even though most states are open, they blame COVID but it's really people staying away from the Marvel China-promo flick, the endless berating. It's especially noticeable in TV shows, they'll cram in some disjointed stories about blacks, cops and white supremacy, totally irrelevant to the story, even series that made fun of this 2-3 seasons ago have gotten their writers replaced and are now cramming it in with out-of-context flashbacks as to when racism supposedly happened previously in the show.
just a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.
today people are are paying and cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.
what feminists, social warriors, and gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.
I think the Williams sisters already got schooled on that front having been beat by a nearly retired second rate tennis player back to back. They adjusted their claims they could beat any man not in the top 100 to any man not in the top 350. They’ve refused every offer since.
There have been a ton of tennis matches between retired tennis players and women half their age in their prime, the only where the female won was where the men intentionally threw the game. Djokovic famously swapped places with a ball boy during an exhibition match and with a 30-0 handicap the female still only came in 3-2
just a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.
today people are are paying and cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.
what feminists, social warriors, and gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.
You said sex doesn’t differentiate until the development of sex hormones (that is puberty or 8-13 for those uninformed when the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are produced in the pituitary gland). Sex hormones has nothing to do with the development of biological sex, before puberty there are already all sorts of things that make boys into boys and girls into girls.
As far as the differences, the genital ridge isn’t externally apparent but the SRY gene is present all along, in mice it has been shown SRY starts expressing just days after insemination. Obviously a gynecologist is not a biologist, they cannot with the naked eye determine the sex yet, nor do they have any interest in endangering the child to test, but it is already differentiating before it becomes externally visible. The notion that until week 8 it’s just a coin flip whether you get a girl or a boy is unscientific bullshit.
You can determine sex from the moment the insemination started developing cells, due to the presence of SRY which is not present in female.
Removing testes does not prevent or invert male muscle and skeletal build, that’s a very old and inaccurate theory. Once you have developed the skeleton of a man, you cannot reduce it with estrogen, at best you get osteoporosis. By 21 your body will neither grow nor shrink significantly, exercise can adjust it somewhat but you’re pretty much fixed. If you remove the testes or give estrogen and puberty blockers to a healthy boy to prevent a healthy muscle and skeletal build in puberty, because you are of the belief his biology doesn’t match your world view, that is just child abuse.
Please stop spouting scientifically inaccurate bullshit.
just a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.
today people are are paying and cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.
what feminists, social warriors, and gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.
All human adults, when they were still babies in the womb were for a period of time anatomically of ambiguous/neutral gender (with mostly female looking external genitalia). I know that because I have seen such mentioned and illustrated in college textbooks on human sexuality.
That is utterly wrong propagandistic garbage.
A child develops visually distinct male or female organs as soon as 6 weeks into pregnancy which is when the baby is the size of a grain of rice, sometimes before the women even knows she's pregnant. Just because YOU can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, we have powerful imaging techniques these days that can definitely discriminate.
Whether they develop male or female is dependent on the chromosomes, so whether someone is male or female and a ton of other attributes is decided at the time of conception. It's not a random process that happens later in life.
Whether someone identifies as male or female though is highly dependent on their environment. Children that are abused at a young age more often develop transgender attributes.
Adolescents that became transgender are up to twice as likely to have been victims of psychological abuse (odds ratio [OR] = 1.84), physical abuse (OR = 1.61), and sexual abuse (OR = 2.04) before they became sexually aware.
The researchers found that 73, 39, and 19 percent of transgender adolescents reported psychological abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, respectively. Which is insane, nearly the ENTIRE community of transgenders are child abuse survivors and the majority go without appropriate counseling for the trauma they experienced.
i’m personally for the vaccine, took two shots and would take a third if asked.
but i know a friend of mine that doesn’t want to take the vaccine who works for the government and now is faced with this choice: get vaccinated or get laid off.
i don’t agree with this measure as it is totalitarian and runs against my core belief in individual freedom.. now, with that being said, what i don’t understand is that my friend still won’t get vaccinated.
@SadElder: The polio vaccine was never mandated until it was proven safe, even then there were protests and to date there are groups of people (Amish etc) that don't vaccinate. Nobody ever cared that they didn't though, if you're scared about getting sick, get vaccinated, if you're not, you don't. There is no reason to say you HAVE to vaccinate against a flu-like disease, if you think people will die, that's on them isn't it?